exact syllable matches

doesn't even have
it only lasted
just the last
me for about
wouldn't have lasted
30 seconds
simply giving someone
a demerit
I am
a free sentient
sound like
a Greek letter
A leaf trembles
Little Raven
a peace medal
I am
a pretender
Wasn't that
a pretense, sir
justice is just
a pretension
a real chef, huh
God there's
a real Devil
it was
a real pleasure
A real pleasure
Possibly from
a reflex of
as I'm
a SeeD member
and Loves of
a She-Devil
is not
Watt constructed
a steam engine
the condenser of
a steam-engine
a steel kegger
a sweet gesture
frankly was
a team effort
earth was
she was
a TS girl
a yeast cell From
said to have
achieved sentience
election, popular
appeal meant much
Bernie Parent
I am
Birdy Edwards
Not one single
bloody letter
you a simple
bloody question
Bloody well done
burnt sienna
burnt siennas
form cannot
but be better
good luck,
but be careful
slept some,
but she, never
of that,
but these questions
with her
'cause she's pregnant
chutney ferret
chutney ferrets
come he sells stuff
of any winner's
complete breakfast
complete measure
complete measures
Carrying a
to carry a
concealed weapon
concrete method
concrete methods
to make the
country better
King and the
Country Dentist
is the greatest
country ever
poke in the
country section
up to the
country, Edward
lower education levels among
curry ketchup
Dayi method
dirty fecker
it in a
dirty sentence
a quick and
dirty setup
dirty weather
does HE get HER
dumpy level
dumpy levels
From the
e- stem of
many of the
share of the
early settlers
Fermi level
Fermi levels
the height
from sea level
dominated the Continent
from Vienna
Fuck me senseless
Furry Vengeance
fuzzy melon
fuzzy melons
make a
girl feel special
Grundy Center
Guthrie Center
sacrifice for our
hungry pleasures
Reminiscences of a
Hungry Tenor
Jersey Devil
you mark the
journey better
Finally, the
journey ended
But listen,
just be careful
Just be careful
are jealous,
just be jealous
Learned reflexes
Only I
love me better
love mean Kepner
it was a
lovely gesture
M-m-my, that's a
lovely necklace
lucky devil
Lucky Devil
lucky devils
regard, you're a
lucky fella
lucky sevens
brought you my
lucky sweater
It was the
machines, Sarah
marine engine
marine engines
marine metal
Gibbs and
McGee enter
From the
me- stem of
time for the
money lenders
Honeydew is the
money melon
monkey engine
monkey engines
monkey metal
have it, was
much resented
Murray Kempton
Murray Leinster
Murray, present
must be careful
these efforts
must be measured
Must be special
justice systems
must be strengthened
the word
must be whether
from gland-,
From the
oblique stem of
the resonance
of each section
is the object
of heat-engines
of me then, huh
Euphemistic variant
of mierda
From pizzette, plural
of pizzetta
own by right
of preemption
The science
of prevention
a couple
of real rebels
a genuine culture
gums the lollipop
recollection and suffocation
will pass out
of remembrance
an increasing amount
are always traces
from the shackles
some new system
than the price
of repression
models out
of sheet metal
Saint Catherine
of Siena
of these chairs work
of all
of these lessons
the implementation
of these measures
little word
of three letters
the laughing genius
to the walls
of Vienna
ditch her
once she's pregnant
have drawn
one deep lesson
all deserve a
putty medal
putty medals
ruddy shelduck
ruddy shelducks
rugby sevens
ask for a
That's a
Rusty Venture
I have another
Shirley Temple
Shirley Temples
borrowed from
some reflex of
will require some
stern repression
study centre
sturdy beggar
sturdy beggars
directly to the
supreme effort
We have the
supreme weapons
white quartz from
the 3-level
twisting of
the beam section
saying that
the deal ended
and at
the eaves level
loop, from
Named after
shape resembled
the Greek letter
questions of
the Greek peasant
You are
the Green Berets
finished all
the green peppers
petals and
the green sepals
didn't trigger
the heat sensors
is known as
the hegemon
physical approach of
the predestined
easternmost part of
the prefecture
The Pretenders
the Queen left us
he's not
the real Eggman
one of
the REAL networks
can't answer
Now that's
that's not
the real question
Where are
the real questions
to lower
the sea level
lengthened appendage of
the seed-vessel
is queen of
the she-devils
heavier than
the siege weapon
important than
invention of
operation of
patent of
the steam engine
The steam engine
who slander
the Three Treasures
feet, as
the vilest dust
The Weekenders
a superstar of
been these past
Reese wouldn't last
slap him after
You have
thirty seconds
number one to number
features and a
touchy temper
trapeze dresses
a hell of
ugly devils
Come on
up here, Brenda
as easily as
Uri Geller
ver de terre
vers de terre
were pretenders
unlimited knowledge and
worldly pleasures
Not a Wyndham-Pryce-
worthy question
Old warriors,
young pretenders
you have a
yummy breakfast

with 1 extra syllable

doesn't pop
thousand feet
above sea level
Dad for being
absentee parents
Adam Silvera
I quit
after 3 seconds
after he messed up
they toward whom
Allah relenteth
Alta Sierra
Answer me, Fenton
able to
efforts to
have to
Let me
us to
answer these questions
continue without my
questions without an
you have your
attorney present
Little Elmer in
Barnaby's Cellar
Better be careful
Beverly Jenkins
binary weapon
binary weapons
From its
pear-like shape and
buttery texture
casa di pena
will most
certainly get hurt
latter two are
certainly rarer
this work is
certainly special
glowering, humorless,
clumsily rendered
at the famed
Comedy Cellar
Conan, HBO and
Comedy Central
the best romantic
comedy ever
20 other ballet
company members
image will
constantly get hurt
a variety of
counterspeech efforts
cowardly ever
Dexter, meet Dexter
energy level
energy levels
energy weapon
energy weapons
than can
ever be measured
Evergreen Terrace
every universe and
every era
I forgot
every lesson
are dismaying at
for participants at
is unacceptable on
like this on
of this at
political contradictions at
those fuckers on
wake-up call on
every level
platoon leader and
every parent
every second
I have
every weapon
factory method
Chicago, as a
faculty member
sketches of Caltech
were impressive younger
faculty members
become a proud
family legend
the Class or
Family level
but as your
by an older
forever be my
know she's a
murdered by a
not shoot your
or friend or
Preferably on a
told by each
family member
good-for-nothing Bush Crime
Family member
all the other
Are they
inconsiderate of other
of her deceased
should credit to
their bodies than
throng of other
You got dysfunctional
family members
on the ABC
Family network
Family pressure
She's coming to
family sessions
where the Kazan
family settled
family's messed up
fantasy 7
outside of the
fantasy section
All wield
fiery weapons
where the chase
finally ended
not yet been
finally settled
Witness their
flowery welcome
because they're so
frightfully clever
Genesee epoch
gonna be careful
like he's
gonna be jealous
it's not
gonna be pleasant
she was
gonna be special
before he's
I'm not
gonna feel better
gotta be better
Now I
gotta be careful
Gotta be helpful
Gregory Benford
gunnery ensign
a Charlie Brown
of his own
Halloween special
everyone with your
Halloween Special
more than most
heartily welcome
Pleistocene and the
Holocene Epochs
hombre de guerra
hombres de guerra
than several
hundred gene segments
Japanese medlar
Japanese medlars
Jeremy Bentham
Jeremy Renner
judgement he spares none
at latter
Lammas means never
comfy, at Her
Majesty's leisure
phrase at Her
Majesty's pleasure
blocked by the
Marxist hegemons
melamine resin
melamine resins
memory metal
memory metals
Mercury Seven
Montgomery Bender
mucha mierda
Muslims, seek shelter
Never be jealous
wrought can
never be measured
power, can
never be settled
head-on into the
number-three engine
is now an
obsolete letter
of the five
obsolete letters
obsolete tenent
going to fund
obsolete, metal
BBC One soap
opera EastEnders
our real breakfast
palma di Betel
terminally ill
person feel better
from every
person we questioned
fit for the
Pleistocene era
at the last
plenary session
plenary sessions
Policy Center
of the Violence
Policy Center,
investment, and foreign
policy measures
his communal
policy, kept mum
pomarine jaeger
pomarine jaegers
He's so pedantic,
pompous, pretentious
and would
probably get one
of us were
probably jealous
difficulties which these
problems presented
Like a
proper steam engine
and lead the
quality effort
truely the true
quantity thereof
quinary sector
quinary sectors
ruedas de prensa
salsa de menta
salsas de menta
scholarly method
dead as a
scholarly question
sure these were
science-team members
slender sea lettuce
guys just got
suddenly better
Very succinct
summary, well done
or less affected,
sumptuous, pretentious
tertiary sector
tertiary sectors
nature of all
tragedies Harold
is the worst
tragedy ever
Tuskegee Airman
a twinkling, all
utterly ended
kindness but also
utterly helpless
beyond measure, but
utterly selfless
Valerie Jarrett
vanity presses
make me
wanna be better
You might
wanna be careful
wanna beat them up
ordinary yet is
wondrously present

with 2 extra syllables

So you're Duel
Academy's Phenom
of economy-wide output,
accurately measured
a fantastic
analogy, well done
you want your
anatomy lesson
Biology Letters
candela de cera
democracy and
corruption be ended
any sign of
cultural repression
dangerous, be careful
other way is
definitely better
Definitely better
tell ya
different, East Texas
difficulty level
difficulty levels
emergency center
ask for full
Time to take
emergency measures
You have an
emergency message
Nobel Committee in
emergency session
of, wrongly, as
entirely Western
the Porn Film
Festival Vienna
Fortunately, there's love
They are
generally gentle
offspring, there are
generally parents
bold, his resolutions
generally trenchant
Gobstopper, he'll get one
subterranean passages to
infernal recesses
infinite recursion
women that were
infinitely better
Infinitely better
life therefore is
infinitely precious
ever and ever
integrally present
internal reflexions
external provocations and
internal repression
conceived in its
intricate recesses
located in the
Lefkada prefecture
further step beyond
literacy level
It is just
naturally better
a performance or
photography session
economics, Formula 1,
realities thereof
refractory metal
refractory metals
Satirists, be careful
annoyed the great
Skulduggery Pleasant
country may be
substantially lessened
were an absurd
suburban pretention
tremblement de terre
tremblements de terre
who might
ultimately help us
second word
ultimately stems from
ambition, character and
untiring effort
picture, one
usually gets a
or a regional
variety thereof

with 3 extra syllables

abdominal reflexes
all this
animosity stems from
or on the
anniversary thereof
autonomous prefecture
autonomous prefectures
people who
deliberately get stuck
Etymology section
this, I've got
incredible reflexes
action had been
irrevocably severed
imperialism, does relativism
legitimate repression
for food and
occasionally shelter
groups that are
particularly central
me will be
particularly helpful
handle it
particularly well, but
provisionally set up
its record is near-
universally dreadful
right through to
university level