exact syllable matches

We can
all be turds
whiskers and
all cleaned up
all things and
the world and
to elements and
to God and
all creatures
believe we are
ignorance we are
where we are
all equal
And that's
all he does
all states, and
all peoples
equally nutritious at
the sun at
all seasons
be kept at
all secret
all these drugs
Look at
all these girls
can't fight at
all, either
ar livre
is cheaper, cars
are cheaper
The stalls
are cleaner
base of an
his eyes, all
No two parts
are equal
takes, and all
are evil
that multiply and
who multiply, and
are legion
worthless gods that
are speechless
wrath of an
armed people
police and an
spook is an
arms dealer
Universe of international
arms dealers
army worm
army worms
I'm an
The so-called
art dealer
art dealers
Against the Dark
Arts teacher
bald eagle
bald eagles
bark beetles
Barnsley fern
Barnsley ferns
block heater
block heaters
Bob Seger
Bobby Hull
Come on,
Bobby, up
body surf
body surfed
body surfs
body swerve
body swerves
bom dia
Bom Jesus
bon dia
bon viveur
bon viveurs
bons viveurs
botty burp
botty burps
should have
bought me one
Broad bean From
broad reaches
what Medellin and
Cali were
you can
call me Russ
She just got
called evil
for a man
called Schemer
whose practitioners are
called Setians
called teamwork
open a bar
called Wieners
dodgy second hand
car dealers
card reader
card readers
Carl Nielsen
block signals that
cause seizures
chalk eater
chalk eaters
Charles Demuth
Charles Eastman
Charles Seeger
Charles Wheelan
cock teaser
cock teasers
coffee cup
coffee cups
colleagues, but
that Katherine Heigl rom-
com sequel
More at
Copt, Egypt
no constrictions on
da people
dar grima
dark sleeper
dark sleepers
you find that
dog's weakness
dolly bird
dolly birds
Kyla Pratt, and
Don Cheadle
Don Siegel
donkey chum
donkey pump
donkey pumps
Donkey punch
donkey punched
donkey work
they certainly are
dross leaders
It was slip-and-
fall season
false measles
Far Eastern
and space are
foggy slum
Fonzie touch
fox evil
will work on
Foxy, uh
of sunshine and
Frosty Swirl
gnaw, and
gnaw he does
mercy for all
God's creatures
that you are
God's equal
questions on
God's green earth
be with all
God's people
face she has
got either
must have
got here first
groene kerst
hard measles
like it was
hard, either
what we have
hardly earned
hockey puck
your eyeballs as
hockey pucks
hog peanut
hog peanuts
Muslim immigration from jihad-
hot regions
A hot,
hot senior
the inventor Charles
Hoxie ca
Jacques Demers
Jat people
John Cheever
John Cleveland
Hannan and
John Freeman
her great-nephew was
John Gielgud
John Keble
John Lehman
John Senior
John Wheeler
Johnny Hunt
Johnny Turk
have Tuna and
Johnny's cut
La Nina
la piedra
ova da
la spina
La Vina
a long frost
large pieces
listen, and
locked me up
Long Eaton
long meter
long meters
loss leader
loss leaders
Jonas Rivera and
Mark Nielsen
Mark Stephens
marsh fever
to challenge and
mock evil
mons Venus
mop squeezer
mop squeezers
Naughty word
men's lips dropped
omission of all
naughty words
Naughty words
free of that
Nazi fuck
camp, especially a non-
Nazi one
that it was
nobly done
Can that
not be done
anything and
not be hurt
Judgement and
not be judged
ancients had
not dreamed of
All roads are
feet I am
respect men are
that men are
not equal
but they are
me, you are
my friend, are
toward good and
not evil
be relaxed,
not keyed up
in servants was
or not, that's
not legal
great men are
not needed
, and
at institutions and
describing sexual acts,
Men are
They are
not people
Real people are
not pieces
feels God, and
not Reason
my diagnosis was
not recent
be people and
not sheeple
Women are
not weaker
Obscene word
Obscene words
You are
odd creatures
But don't back
off either
very important parts
off people
therefore we call
on Caesar
got no pants
on either
on me huh
effect he had
for spraying napalm
It rubs off
No, not
on audiences and
type of impact
usual zero impact
on people
the Sanskrit and
Pali terms
Park Ji-sung
Parti vert
From and
Partly from and
partly from
party bus
party girl
party girls
Come on,
party Pearls
Paul Neilan
Paul Stevens
Abraham, John,
Paul, Jesus
pod people
Pompeii worm
Pompeii worms
quark cima
quarks cima
rock sequence
html Gee Thanks,
Ronnie, but
salt cedar
salt cedars
with a hard,
sharp needle
feel like long,
sharp needles
Shaw Neilson
he just had
shock treatment
Shock Treatment
shop keeper
shop keepers
shop stealer
shop stealers
small leader
small leaders
smart meter
smart meters
smart speaker
smart speakers
I truly am
sorry, sir
spawn eater
spawn eaters
You will not
stop freedom
be increasingly and
strongly heard
on average than
tall people
tani pung
Humans have
taught me much
thought leader
thought leaders
as they have
thought, either
Tom Frieden
Tom Peters
Tom Regan
Tommy gun
Tommy guns
tommy ruff
tommy ruffs
top pieces
It's not
top secret
said Big and
Top Secret
trolley bus
volle neven
Wall Streeter
Wall Streeters
Wally World
wan features
binds us as
wan people
was beaten
was eaten
all I saw
with another that
was evil
My plan
was genius
was me, once
that's where that
the breakthrough that
took all that
was needed
which another patrolman
was seated
at mouth, and
was speechless
wat de fuck
feelers and
watch me squirm
but its not
wrong neither

with 1 extra syllable

gathered around their
backyard feeders
I see you,
Bartowski, Huh
Bhagwat Gita
cannot be burnt
or desire
cannot be curbed
believe it
can and
do what
It simply
it, it
say it
that it
they themselves
you, what
cannot be done
voices which
cannot be heard
Kotter, miracles
True genius
cannot be rushed
Hence he
cannot be touched
truth there
cannot be trust
the fight
cannot be won
cannot keep up
to be, we
cannot prejudge
they reflect
cannot reach us
laugh, but all
cannot reason
and he
cannot see her
can, or
cannot, be run
about honeymooning in
Colombia or perhaps
of Panama and
Republic of
secluded place in
southern Mexico to
suffix -tico in
Costa Rica
Costa Rican
I don't love
Francois either
Takagi curve
Takagi curves

with 4 extra syllables

city in the
Basilicata region