exact syllable matches
ab init
distracted from that
acting thing
ad libbing
aff in it
Alice Springs
is the Pan
Am Building
I lost
an earring
Moon is called
an eclipse
a circle and
an ellipse
an impis
a half
an inch thick
pen was
an ink stick
like tipcat, baseball,
and cricket
fuckups, scumbags, jerkoffs,
and dipshits
you can have
and dismiss
a bar
and drink it
Rolling Rock
and drinks it
off her scarf
and earrings
at the start
and finish
the characters carved
and gilded
an outlaw
and his beer
goes on,
and it will
retired spot
and kill him
the rat
and kill it
They shot
and killed him
his claw
then attacks
and kills him
of God's commands
and kingship
our arms
their bark
and kiss it
Treasury of Songs
and Lyrics
, Bernard Shaw
in the park
it or Not,
and Mrs
eyes were black
and piercing
double wank
and shit chips
and they're off
and singing
pry apart
and spit in
your restaurant,
and stick it
it your all,
and winning
ant cricket
ant crickets
how long
as it been
People talk
the wall
we're choc-a-bloc
as it is
kill, Long
as it's King
Father as far
other words, and
as Mrs
men, but not
as spirits
and I was
asking him
ass in gear
ass kicking
ass kickings
ass kissing
ass kissings
at it still
have an
axe with him
life, was
back with him
not that
That's not
bad, is it
banded stilts
bank switching
banking pin
banking pins
batted in
batting in
Black English
black-bibbed tit
brambling finch
of her image and
Only shes
can give milk
canning it
cat sitting
The fisherman
catches fish
catches it
catching it
Catholic twin
Catholic twins
pics and
chat with him
chatting shit
Class dismissed
mask has
cracks in it
dancing links
thought she was
facking pig
fanning mill
fanning mills
flapping hinge
Franklin Pierce
John Huston and
Gladys Hill
comes along and
grabbing it
grands singes
hacking bitch
hacking it
editions that
had been his
up and
had him killed
half hitches
Half sibling
Half siblings
relatively small
hand in it
need not
hand it in
hand wringing
hand wringings
handing in
and they're not
handling it
hanging with
has been killed
a bomb
has hit it
How long
has it been
Your mom
has six kids
A baseball
has stitches
radical Islam
have been killed
lovers and
have him snipped
I not
have killed him
you know, not
having him
belief is not
better than NOT
I'm not
money than not
having it
feel about not
having kids
they call that
having lived
I'm really not
having this
jack it in
jacking gear
jacking gears
jacking in
kam herein
landing gear
landing gears
landing ship
landing ships
landing strip
landing strips
lass herein
last big thing
last big things
it is a long-
lasting ill
laughing gear
laughing with
magic link
magic links
magic string
magic strings
magic trick
magic tricks
Malin Bridge
and the crab-
man killed Sinn
Man, this stings
mantis shrimp
mantis shrimps
match fixing
napkin ring
napkin rings
pack it in
packing in
pad stitches
inside, everything was
panic, fear
what has
passed with him
Patrick Swift
plans fixes
plant sitting
planting strip
planting strips
plastic pig
plastic pigs
condition should not
practice it
ram cichlid
rat finking
Rats with wings
sand cricket
sand crickets
sand winning
scat singing
snagging list
snagging lists
snapping shrimp
snapping shrimps
Spanish Springs
stab stitches
stamp hinges
stamping mill
stamping mills
tower he was
standing in
standing rib
standing ribs
hardly call that
standing still
word and
stands in it
static kill
static kills
swagging it
tax clinic
tax clinics
person whom all
that befits
treats people, and
that building
almost lost
that built it
that did it
the man
that did this
care for all
guardians of all
ideas are all
it is all
Raja of all
that exists
better than
that in milk
that is it
advice on
can stop
that is this
that is weird
and all
that it hid
are strong
that it is
lynch mob
that killed him
the man
that kills him
find it odd
that Mrs
Heenan not all
that sincere
that weird thing
You call
that winning
That's British
that's missing
That's this year
tracking with
soul was
trapped in it
yeah, hit him
yeah, it's him
Ryan Tedder and
Zach Filkins
with 1 extra syllable
pragmatic view and
abstract thinking
Batman Begins
so I'm not
broadcasting it
Combat in film
in mortal
combat with it
came into
come in
had minimal
in telepathic
into personal
contact with him
come into
comes in
too sudden
contact with it
have some
contact with Min
came into
contact with Sin
come into
contact with since
feeling of
contact with things
would make a
fantastic film
sexuality is a
fantastic thing
than that
goddamn thing did
grandstand finish
Let Mortal
Kombat begin
to pull, you
sarcastic prick
face and your
sarcastic quips
volcanic winds