exact syllable matches

from him -
his children
Our enemy has
the ball has
been delivered
line has
been filling up
you have
been in Mr
established society, and
The inanimate has
been indifferent
what we have
been regiven
a damn
beer with Mr
Tarentum, at the
beginning of
That's a
big distinction
had a
big finish but
does a
bitch twist inwards
Bitch, pick it up
Brick, lick, stick, done
bridging ligand
bridging ligands
by French and
British interests
building bridges
know, drama
chicks in prison
hand, and
clicked his fingers
introduction by Mark
Crispin Miller
descriptive term
Dick Whittington
Dick Whittingtons
diminished third
diminished thirds
They're all
drinking Cristal
Christ and
drinking his blood
Drinking is fun
hand was
dripping with blood
equations defining an
elliptic curve
Elliptic curve
elliptic curves
Sebastian Shaw and
Emlyn Williams
English billiards
English rhythm
to German and
English Richard
More at
English smicker
German Wilhelm and
English William
Exhibit A
for altering an
of solving an
solving of an
existing one
the firmament and
extinguish suns
lots of
fears within us
fidget spinner
fidget spinners
I am
Moore was
finished with her
overall placings Macdonald
finishes first
finishing touch
fishing sinkers
in beautiful and
fitting symbols
Fix it with what
fizz in its blood
Fringe Division
it and
give it kisses
I am
we're not
giving him up
to gangs of
grinning children
and start
him in business
part of
him within her
as gathered from
his Epistles
accounted for all
his equipment
think that
his is bigger
behalf of
his jilted son
his pigsticker
man Muhammad and
violent, regardless of
his religion
deeply involved
in big business
are partners
paid man
in his business
made man
in his image
created Man
in His image
everything that's
in it, Mr
of water
in its pitcher
and intolerant
in its vision
candidates for office
good being back
to be back
in Michigan
a girl
in pink gingham
as much as
in art, and
law, and others
more prevailing than
State and dogma
Why not
in religion
from scratch
going on
is art
mouth off
you stand
in this business
interests, as
in this instance
damn frog
in this kingdom
any dialogue
third man
were all
in this picture
dangerous man
locked up
in this prison
radical Huguenots
in this village
soul examined
in this Vision
introductory paragraphs,
the one
in which Mr
have jumped
in with vigor
have value and
intrinsic worth
this talk
is clear enough
Timely action
is critical
is delicious
the Monarch
name but that
is implicit
is in his Sons
is it enough
serpent that
is its symbol
beauty mark
this Inaugural
this that
is killing us
is linked with Dutch
They are what
is mystical
happiness of all
is religion
of my heart
the subject matter
is seditious
is six sigma
think God
is smiting us
is this enough
An example
is winningest
God that
true answer
is within us
looks at
it in disgust
it in this world
It is Christmas
imposes that,
it is minute
it is written
the stronger
it will become
it with this dump
it, pick it up
It's been brilliant
few years, and
In fact,
it's delicious
It's honest,
it's efficient
less dreadful than
its extinction
It's filling up
It's his business
its shrill whistle
up and
it's still Christmas
Kick him in the
was a
kid in England
to that
kid in prison
bomb goes off
killing Stillman
is not a
killing symbol
claim as a
kindred spirit
From a
Lechitic word
limbic systems
linguistic turn
living it up
living picture
living pictures
tonality and a
living spirit
evolutionary concepts to non-
living systems
living with her
minikin gut
Miss Pink Chicken
Mitch picks him up
Ms Pink Chicken
Mystic River
physic finger
physic fingers
a car
picking him up
really bothered
picking it up
Hey, just a cotton-
picking minute
with bands of
pillaging Kurds
some arms and
pinching nipples
Pip-pip, big stuff
ringed kingfisher
ringed kingfishers
sin in his blood
singing fishes
planet Mars,
six will return
spitting distance
Spitting Image
split decision
split decisions
Hostess was
still in business
yet it was
still physical
Stinking Bishop
Stinking Bishops
Sylhet Division
thing in this church
thing in this world
still had
things in reserve
things in this world
your mind starts
thinking bigger
thinking distance
thinning scissors
This brings results
a fan of
this decision
Buddhism answers
strongly conduct of
this description
look at
this disk, Mr
This is brilliant
this is business
This is Christmas
this is dinner
This is his son
This is sickness
firsthand knowledge of
this religion
the author of
this sedition
This thing is done
This thing is stuck
this which thrills us
Big Bad
this year, Mr
this, it is done
till it is done
Trimmed with ribbons
Trish picks it up
antipodes are upon
visiting terms
into actions
which bring results
One of
which is children
receive that
which is deserved
One of
which is Mr
to that
which is nearer
of intolerance,
which still lingers
very facts
which, in Mr
mind and a
willing spirit
caviar, sycophancy and
willing women
wing dipped in blood
with reports than
with decisions
a dam
with his finger
the gut
with his pistol
With insistence
with it is us
with it, Mr
sometimes go along
with justice, and
with religion
our action
with this impulse
is wrong
something wrong
What's wrong
with this picture
Berber flag
with this symbol
am drunk
with this vision
a subgenre
within his work
be disarmed
within six months
within this world
a half
years in prison

with 1 extra syllable

noticing her, on
acting indifferent
manifests itself as
active resistance
additive inverse
the usual
adjective is brun
adjective is from
skill of
admitting this hurts
Maddie and Hannah
appear bewildered
appear in his work
appear in his works
flame of the
artistic spirit
or elucidating an
to compromise your
artistic vision
artists in this world
social interactions with
autistic children
ballistic missile
ballistic missiles
How's your
banking division
Banning it is worse
solecism of
calling him Mister
massacre every
Catholic in England
to replant the
Catholic religion
persecution for
Catholics in England
of Margo
Channing, sitting up
can't get into
the Special Counsel's
charging decisions
clapping till it hurts
interface of our
cognitive system
and theory of
cognitive systems
and Advances in
Cognitive Systems
than a
comfit in prison
stronger the
conflict will become
of partial and
conflicting visions
place is
crawling with ninjas
it set about
damaging Bristol
This would be
damaging enough
Docking is simple
attacks, once with
farming equipment
toffee pudding was
fucking delicious
Gnostic Religion
Hangin' with Mr
knows that
Hashem is hidden
single watering
having been given
Named after Johns
Hopkins clinician
yet are
lacking in wisdom
those who
languish in prison
logic in this world
painful its
magic will become
and asks
but offers
I got
solemn, asks
nothing in return
Nothing is simple
Nothing is written
The doctors, they're
optimistic, but
Pacific's bigger
into effect through
passive resistance
Passive resistance
Passive Resistance
and helped
polish his image
to teach or
practice religion
practice with this stuff
public is fickle
myself that I am
a plague
ravage his village
still be
rotting in prison
Running is wisdom
the bottom
running this business
running with scissors
wailing brass
savaged his eardrums
frustrating losses and head-
scratching decisions
Something big hit us
also want
I want
to offer
something in return
Something in this world
It is not
something physical
meaning is not
specific enough
specific impulse
It's a good non-
specific symptom
standstill if it must
Starting with crystals
who was
you stop
talking in riddles
terrific picture
a nine-course, champagne
come over for
Not a delicious
served a real
to hold a
Thanksgiving dinner
know anything about
roaches crashing people's
to eat their
Thanksgiving dinners
you spend
Thanksgiving with her
Thanksgiving, pilgrims
a women-specific
topic is discussed
All ghosts have
business, lots of
I have
Lots of
We got some
unfinished business
Working with Mr

with 2 extra syllables

come and
accomplish his mission
Syria to
accomplish this mission
it on others
accomplishes little
had begun by
admonishing Mr
it by
adopting this system
that of
advancing its interests
before him with
appalling distinctness
natural causes produces
astonishing results
which constitute the
atomistic system
main purpose as
attacking religion
unfree than the
average Englishman
balsamic vinegars
typically a thermionic
cathodic emitters
constructive dismissal
constructive dismissals
constructive eviction
constructive evictions
comments on the
departed visitors
establish it in words
politician who
established his kingdom
contents of the
he criticized the
no marriage, no
the content of
established religion
appear in its co-
evolving religion
exhausted with this world
expanding resistance
sense it has
impoverished religion
demolition of the
followers of any non-
word against the
Islamic religion
of the gold-digging
Margaret Livingston
the last pro-
Marketeer in Britain
was really a
marketing decision
its gates without
offering resistance
for sudden and
outlandish extinction
immediate practical
politics in England
simply, since
politics is business
pyroxylic spirit
eroded by uncouth,
rapacious visitors
upon by the
Satanic religion
strangling in its birth
struggling in this world
surpassing in vigour
by blood and
Talmudic religion
such as tutorials
targeting beginners
predecessor's, to new,
uncharted pinnacles
rat-a-tat-tat of the
Unwanted Visitor

with 3 extra syllables

are not
antagonistic in love
apostolic visitor
apostolic visitors
far from
Asiatic in spirit
a string of
catastrophic decisions
and philosophy and
comparative mythology and
comparative religion
world is a
disheartening enigma
way they approach
economic decisions
results from simple
sophisticated piece of
electronic equipment
of functional and
geographic divisions
warm up the
neurotoxin emitters
just as
patriotic in return
make the usual
philanthropic distinctions
such as
understanding, skill, wisdom

with 4 extra syllables

turn could exacerbate
antibiotic resistance

with 5 extra syllables

considering the associated
microeconomic decisions