
gas bomb
a bomb laden with chemical agents that are released when the bomb explodes
twenty-two rifle
a .22-caliber rifle
gas gun
a gun that fires gas shells
duck shot
small lead shot for shotgun shells
Greek fire
a mixture used by Byzantine Greeks that was often shot at adversaries; catches fire when wetted
Maxim gun
an obsolete water-cooled machine gun having a single barrel
whaling gun
a gun (or device resembling a gun) for discharging a projectile (especially a harpoon) at a whale
staphylococcal enterotoxin B
a form of staphylococcal enterotoxin that has been used as an incapacitating agent in biological warfare
a light slender flexible sword tipped by a button
fencing sword
a sword used in the sport of fencing
butt shaft
a blunt arrow without a barb; an arrow used for target practice
full metal jacket
a lead bullet that is covered with a jacket of a harder metal (usually copper)
megaton bomb
a nuclear weapon with an explosive power equivalent to one million tons of TNT
CS gas
a tear gas that is stronger than CN gas but wears off faster; can be deployed by grenades or cluster bombs; can cause skin burns and fatal pulmonary edema
a knife used as a weapon
sniper rifle
an extremely powerful rifle developed for the military; capable of destroying light armored vehicles and aircraft more than a mile away
disrupting explosive
a high explosive that is used to damage the target that is under attack
a pistol with a revolving cylinder (usually having six chambers for bullets)
broad arrow
an arrow with a wide barbed head
air-to-ground missile
a missile designed to be launched from an airplane at a target on the ground
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