
Words that have just one definition in WordNet and aren't considered a part of something else.

pacific standard time
standard time in the 8th time zone west of Greenwich, reckoned at the 120th meridian west; used in far western states of the United States
habenaria psycodes
North American orchid with clusters of fragrant purple fringed flowers
with respect to geology
classification according to general type
Greek poet whose existing works describe rural life and the genealogies of the gods and the beginning of the world (eighth century BC)
someone who gives a warning so that a mistake can be avoided
determined by a single party
an actual object referred to by a linguistic expression
change texture so as to become matted and felt-like
a power saw that has several parallel blades making simultaneous cuts
dyer's weed
eastern North American herb whose yellow flowers are (or were) used in dyeing
designed to promote discipline
having a meaning or purpose
having been made square
antirrhinum filipes
southwestern United States plant with yellow flowers on stems that twist and twine through other vegetation
revolutionary proletarian initiative nuclei
a clandestine group of leftist extremists who oppose Italy's labor policies and foreign policy; responsible for bombing building in the historic center of Rome from 2000 to 2002
mobuto lake
a shallow lake on the border between Uganda and Congo in the Great Rift Valley
sow one's oats
live promiscuously and self-indulgently
cultivated plant
plants that are grown for their produce
Hungarian breed of large powerful shaggy-coated white dog; used also as guard dog
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