Nouns denoting stable states of affairs

speech disorder attributable to a disorder of phonation
the environment as it relates to living organisms
abnormally low blood sugar usually resulting from excessive insulin or a poor diet
flag smut
smut affecting leaves and stems of cereals and other grasses
a symptom of some physical hurt or disorder
inclusion body myositis
myositis characterized by weakness of limb muscles (especially the thighs and wrists and fingers); sometimes involves swallowing muscles; onset after 50 and slowly progressive; seen more often in men than in women
a condition characterized by excessive restlessness and movement
damage to the retina resulting from exposure of the eye to the sun without adequate protection
a boil or abscess on the gums
anorexia nervosa
(psychiatry) a psychological disorder characterized by somatic delusions that you are too fat despite being emaciated
grandfather clause
an exemption based on circumstances existing prior to the adoption of some policy; used to enfranchise illiterate whites in south after the American Civil War
inflammation of white fibrous tissues (especially muscle sheaths)
cholera morbus
severe gastroenteritis of unknown etiology; characterized by severe colic and vomiting and diarrhea
center stage
a position of prominence or importance
extreme distress of body or mind
a state of extreme poverty
the condition of being made easy (or easier)
inflammation of a diverticulum in the digestive tract (especially the colon); characterized by painful abdominal cramping and fever and constipation
a speech defect that involves pronouncing `s' like voiceless `th' and `z' like voiced `th'
lobar pneumonia
pneumonia affecting one or more lobes of the lung; commonly due to streptococcal infection
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