Nouns denoting plants

February daphne
small European deciduous shrub with fragrant lilac-colored flowers followed by red berries on highly toxic twigs
genus Enterolobium
small genus of tropical American timber trees closely allied to genus Albizia
Bombax malabarica
East Indian silk cotton tree yielding fibers inferior to kapok
genus Gesneria
large genus of tropical American herbs having showy tubular flowers
soft spongelike central cylinder of the stems of most flowering plants
Dicksonia antarctica
of Australia and Tasmania; often cultivated; hardy in cool climates
hardened sugary exudation of various trees
any plant of the family Commelinaceae
Araucaria cunninghamii
pine of Australia and New Guinea; yields a valuable light even-textured wood
genus Tacca
genus of tropical plants with creeping rootstocks and small umbellate flowers
Habenaria albiflora
bog orchid of eastern North America with a spike of pure white fringed flowers
Magnolia fraseri
small erect deciduous tree with large leaves in coiled formations at branch tips
sweet gum
reddish-brown wood and lumber from heartwood of the sweet gum tree used to make furniture
Gentiana villosa
a perennial marsh gentian of eastern North America
Pinus strobiformis
medium-size pine of northwestern Mexico; bark is dark brown and furrowed when mature
Digitaria ischaemum
a weed
Manilkara bidentata
a tropical hardwood tree yielding balata gum and heavy red timber
Crataegus biltmoreana
common shrub or small tree of the eastern United States having few thorns and white flowers in corymbs followed by bright orange-red berries
genus Lamium
genus of Old World herbs: dead nettles; henbits
group Amentiferae
used in some classification systems for plants that bear catkins
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