Nouns denoting plants

golden thistle
any of several spiny Mediterranean herbs of the genus Scolymus having yellow flower heads
genus Ferocactus
genus of nearly globular cacti of Mexico and southwestern United States: barrel cacti
Agave tequilana
Mexican plant used especially for making tequila
any cactus of the genus Mammillaria
genus Pelargonium
geraniums native chiefly to South Africa; widely cultivated
New Zealand wine berry
graceful deciduous shrub or small tree having attractive foliage and small red berries that turn black at maturity and are used for making wine
Ligustrum ovalifolium
semi-evergreen Japanese shrub having malodorous flowers; used extensively for hedges because more likely to stay green that common privet
carnivorous plant
plants adapted to attract and capture and digest primarily insects but also other small animals
wild bergamot
any of various aromatic herbs of the genus Monarda
Nicotiana alata
South American ornamental perennial having nocturnally fragrant greenish-white flowers
Solanum dulcamara
poisonous perennial Old World vine having violet flowers and oval coral-red berries; widespread weed in North America
family Erythroxylaceae
a family of plants of order Geraniales; have drupaceous fruit
any of several herbs of the genus Taraxacum having long tap roots and deeply notched leaves and bright yellow flowers followed by fluffy seed balls
genus Claviceps
fungi parasitic upon the ovaries of various grasses
thorn apple
any of several plants of the genus Datura
order Agaricales
typical gilled mushrooms belonging to the subdivision Basidiomycota
genus Boykinia
genus of perennial rhizomatous herbs with flowers in panicles; North America; Japan
Leucogenes leontopodium
perennial herb closely resembling European edelweiss; New Zealand
genus Chrysothamnus
genus of low branching shrubs of western North America
Sarcobatus vermiculatus
low hardy much-branched spiny shrub common in alkaline soils of western America
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