Nouns denoting foods and drinks

proof spirit
a mixture containing half alcohol by volume at 60 degrees Fahrenheit
mollusk with a low conical shell
usually small round bread that can open into a pocket for filling
condensed milk
sweetened evaporated milk
a cut of pork ribs with much of the meat trimmed off
green salad
tossed salad composed primarily of salad greens
European smelt
common smelt of Europe
black pudding
a black sausage containing pig's blood and other ingredients
a mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetables
medium-sized largely seedless mandarin orange with thin smooth skin
a white sauce of fat, broth, and vegetables (used especially with braised meat)
peanut butter
a spread made from ground peanuts
a thick cream soup made from shellfish
large fatty herring lightly salted and briefly smoked
generic wine
wine that does not meet the minimum qualifications and standards for use of a designation by appellation of origin (where the grapes are grown) or by varietal content; may only be labeled by proprietary (made-up) name, by general color (such as `vin rouge', `vino rosso', `rotwein', `red wine', etc.), or by general class (as `vin ordinaire', `vin de table', `vino da tavola', `tafelwein', `table wine', etc.)
cut of meat
a piece of meat that has been cut from an animal carcass
meat of edible aquatic invertebrate with a shell (especially a mollusk or crustacean)
lemon oil
fragrant yellow oil obtained from the lemon peel
hybrid between plum and apricot
soft pretzel
a pretzel made of soft bread
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