Nouns denoting body parts

a large elongated exocrine gland located behind the stomach; secretes pancreatic juice and insulin
lesser omentum
a part of the peritoneum attached to the stomach and liver and supporting the hepatic vessels
the part of an organism (human or animal) that connects the head to the rest of the body
the bodily fluid that fills the membranous labyrinth of the inner ear
a tube in the uterus or the ear
the nail at the end of a finger
artery of the vestibule bulb
a branch of the internal pudendal artery in females that supplies the bulb of the vestibule
hawk nose
a nose curved downward like the beak of a hawk
the part of the nervous system of vertebrates that controls involuntary actions of the smooth muscles and heart and glands
abnormally large red blood cell present in pernicious anemia and folic acid deficiency
any of several hormones produced in the hypothalamus and carried by a vein to the anterior pituitary gland where they stimulate the release of anterior pituitary hormones; each of these hormones causes the anterior pituitary to secrete a specific hormone
zona pellucida
thick membrane around the mammalian ovum; can be penetrated by one sperm in the fertilization process; usually remains around the fertilized egg until it is implanted in the wall of the uterus
(pathology) an elevation of the skin filled with serous fluid
pyloric vein
receives veins from the upper surfaces of the stomach and empties into the portal vein
GI hormones
hormones that affect gastrointestinal functioning
vena jugularis
veins in the neck that return blood from the head
vena metatarsus
dorsal and plantar branches of veins serving the metatarsal region of the foot
any of various organs that synthesize substances needed by the body and release it through ducts or directly into the bloodstream
either (free) end of a eukaryotic chromosome
either of two fleshy folds of tissue that surround the mouth and play a role in speaking
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