Body Parts

muscle of the lower leg that is involved in moving the foot
arteria ciliaris
one of several arteries supplying the choroid coat of the eye
tensor tympani
a small muscle in the middle ear that tenses to protect the eardrum
a passage by which a bodily fluid (especially blood) is diverted from one channel to another
bare bone
bone stripped of flesh
musculoskeletal system
the system of muscles and tendons and ligaments and bones and joints and associated tissues that move the body and maintain its form
vena nasofrontalis
a vein located in the anterior medial part of the orbit; connects the superior ophthalmic with the angular vein
superior alveolar artery
the alveolar artery that supplies the upper teeth
posterior cerebral artery
arises from the basilar artery; divides into three branches
musculus sphincter ductus choledochi
the smooth muscle sphincter of the common bile duct
a projection below the mouth of certain mollusks that resembles a chin
protective fold
a flap of tissue that protects what it covers
external ear
the part of the ear visible externally
intermediate temporal artery
temporal artery that goes to the middle part of the cerebral cortex of the temporal lobe
abdominal nerve plexus
a large plexus of sympathetic nerves in the abdomen behind the stomach
the arm from the elbow to the fingertips
the craniometric point that is the most prominent point at the back of the head (at the occipital protuberance)
naked eye
the eye unaided by any optical instrument that alters the power of vision or alters the apparent size or distance of objects
tissue layer
a pliable sheet of tissue that covers or lines or connects the organs or cells of animals or plants
sharp curved horny process on the toe of a bird or some mammals or reptiles
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