Body Parts

backbone of an animal
trapezius muscle
either of two flat triangular muscles of the shoulder and upper back that are involved in moving the shoulders and arms
a folded part (as in skin or muscle)
innominate bone
large flaring bone forming one half of the pelvis; made up of the ilium and ischium and pubis
a widely distributed system of free and fixed macrophages derived from bone marrow
one of the horny ribs that stiffen and support the wing of an insect
costoaxillary vein
one of several veins connecting intercostal veins with the lateral thoracic vein or the thoracoepigastric vein
thoracic nerve
any of twelve pairs of spinal nerves emerging from the thoracic region of the spinal cord
cartilage that is largely composed of fibers like those in ordinary connective tissue
a bone of a fish
a clawed foot of an animal especially a quadruped
any bone of the foot between the ankle and the toes
wisdom tooth
any of the last 4 teeth on each side of the upper and lower jaw; the last of the permanent teeth to erupt (between ages 16 and 21)
GI tract
tubular passage of mucous membrane and muscle extending about 8.3 meters from mouth to anus; functions in digestion and elimination
cavity formed by the pharynx at the back of the mouth
filamentous hairlike growth on a plant
mandibular bone
the jaw in vertebrates that is hinged to open the mouth
organ of Corti
the hearing organ of the inner ear; contains receptors that respond to sound waves
a cord or band of inelastic tissue connecting a muscle with its bony attachment
transverse process
one of two processes that extend from each vertebra and provide the point of articulation for the ribs
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