
European sandpiper
a variety of sandpiper
fungus gnat
mosquito-like insect whose larvae feed on fungi or decaying vegetation
Larus ridibundus
small black-headed European gull
Periplaneta americana
large reddish brown free-flying cockroach originally from southern United States but now widely distributed
lamper eel
primitive eellike freshwater or anadromous cyclostome having round sucking mouth with a rasping tongue
bird of Minerva
nocturnal bird of prey with hawk-like beak and claws and large head with front-facing eyes
popular game bird having a plump body and feathered legs and feet
the flat ciliated free-swimming larva of hydrozoan coelenterates
chameleon tree frog
a form of tree toad
mirid bug
a variety of leaf bug
Hexagrammos decagrammus
common food and sport fish of western coast of North America
flashlight fish
fish having a luminous organ beneath eye; of warm waters of the western Pacific and Puerto Rico
large dark-colored scaleless marine eel found in temperate and tropical coastal waters; some used for food
Sebastodes ruberrimus
a large fish of the Pacific coast of North America
any of various small free-living plant-parasitic roundworms
cactus wren
large harsh-voiced American wren of arid regions of the United States southwest and Mexico
Macaca mulatta
of southern Asia; used in medical research
any of several small Old World finches
Didelphis marsupialis
omnivorous opossum of the eastern United States; noted for feigning death when in danger; esteemed as food in some areas; considered same species as the crab-eating opossum of South America
minute sedentary marine invertebrate having a saclike body with siphons through which water enters and leaves
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