askance1 worst2
1 with suspicion or disapproval
2 to the highest degree of inferiority or badness
contemporaneously1 aboard2
1 during the same period of time
2 on first or second or third base
triumphantly1 metaphorically2
1 in a triumphant manner
2 in a metaphorical manner
hereof1 radically2
1 of or concerning this
2 in a radical manner
locally1 out of place2
1 by a particular locality
2 in a setting where one is or feels inappropriate or incongruous
anno Domini1 one at a time2
1 in the Christian era; used before dates after the supposed year Christ was born
2 in succession
hand over fist1 relatively2
1 at a tremendous rate
2 in a relative manner; by comparison to something else
awkwardly1 beyond2
1 in an awkward manner
2 in addition
evenly1 mistakenly2
1 in a level and regular way
2 in a mistaken or erroneous manner
functionally1 proportionately2
1 with respect to function
2 to a proportionate degree
askance1 worst2
1 with suspicion or disapproval
2 to the highest degree of inferiority or badness
contemporaneously1 aboard2
1 during the same period of time
2 on first or second or third base
triumphantly1 metaphorically2
1 in a triumphant manner
2 in a metaphorical manner
hereof1 radically2
1 of or concerning this
2 in a radical manner
locally1 out of place2
1 by a particular locality
2 in a setting where one is or feels inappropriate or incongruous
anno Domini1 one at a time2
1 in the Christian era; used before dates after the supposed year Christ was born
2 in succession
hand over fist1 relatively2
1 at a tremendous rate
2 in a relative manner; by comparison to something else
awkwardly1 beyond2
1 in an awkward manner
2 in addition
evenly1 erroneously2
1 in a level and regular way
2 in a mistaken or erroneous manner
functionally1 proportionally2
1 with respect to function
2 to a proportionate degree
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