quaintly1 thoughtlessly2
1 in a quaint old-fashioned manner
2 showing thoughtlessness
arrogantly1 new2
1 in an arrogant manner
2 very recently
thinly1 decently2
1 without force or sincere effort
2 in a decent manner
right1 centrally2
1 precisely, exactly
2 in or near or toward a center or according to a central role or function
flat1 exactly2
1 with flat sails
2 indicating exactness or preciseness
horizontally1 in short2
1 in a horizontal direction
2 in a concise manner; in a few words
high1 laughingly2
1 far up toward the source
2 with laughter; while laughing
stiffly1 ad infinitum2
1 in a rigid manner
2 to infinity; without or seemingly without limit
though1 instead2
1 (postpositive) however
2 on the contrary
forward1 strikingly2
1 near or toward the bow of a ship or cockpit of a plane
2 in a striking manner
quaintly1 thoughtlessly2
1 in a quaint old-fashioned manner
2 showing thoughtlessness
arrogantly1 freshly2
1 in an arrogant manner
2 very recently
thinly1 decently2
1 without force or sincere effort
2 in a decent manner
right1 centrally2
1 precisely, exactly
2 in or near or toward a center or according to a central role or function
flat1 exactly2
1 with flat sails
2 indicating exactness or preciseness
horizontally1 in short2
1 in a horizontal direction
2 in a concise manner; in a few words
high1 laughingly2
1 far up toward the source
2 with laughter; while laughing
rigidly1 ad infinitum2
1 in a rigid manner
2 to infinity; without or seemingly without limit
though1 rather2
1 (postpositive) however
2 on the contrary
fore1 strikingly2
1 near or toward the bow of a ship or cockpit of a plane
2 in a striking manner
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