(NOUN) is the (NOUN) of (NOUN)

hip pad1 is the working memory2 of yoke3
1 protective garment consisting of a pad worn by football and hockey players
2 memory for intermediate results that must be held during thinking
3 fabric comprising a fitted part at the top of a garment
rim blight1 is the administrative hearing2 of coating3
1 a disease of tea plants
2 a hearing that takes place outside the judicial process before hearing examiners who have been granted judicial authority specifically for the purpose of conducting such hearings
3 a thin layer covering something
force1 is the fawn2 of old boy3
1 (of a law) having legal validity
2 a young deer
3 a familiar term of address for a man
urban legend1 is the cob2 of painting3
1 a story that appears mysteriously and spreads spontaneously in various forms and is usually false; contains elements of humor or horror and is popularly believed to be true
2 adult male swan
3 the act of applying paint to a surface
inroad1 is the loading area2 of Kentucky wonder bean3
1 an invasion or hostile attack
2 a stop where carriers can be loaded and unloaded
3 flat-podded green bean
company1 is the drill steel2 of food court3
1 a social or business visitor
2 carbon steel used for rock drills and dowels
3 an area (as in a shopping mall) where fast food is sold (usually around a common eating area)
tree of knowledge1 is the navigator2 of man and wife3
1 the biblical tree in the Garden of Eden whose forbidden fruit was tasted by Adam and Eve
2 the member of an aircrew who is responsible for the aircraft's course
3 two people who are married to each other
wrapper1 is the carrot2 of Daniel Hudson Burnham3
1 the covering (usually paper or cellophane) in which something is wrapped
2 promise of reward as in
3 United States architect who designed the first important skyscraper with a skeleton (1846-1912)
lottery winner1 is the tare2 of cover version3
1 the winner of a lottery
2 (chemical analysis) a counterweight used in chemical analysis; consists of an empty container that counterbalances the weight of the container holding chemicals
3 a recording of a song that was first recorded or made popular by somebody else
reason1 is the slug2 of wishing cap3
1 the state of having good sense and sound judgment
2 any of various terrestrial gastropods having an elongated slimy body and no external shell
3 a magical cap that secures whatever one wishes for
Federal Security Service1 is the Petrified Forest National Park2 of engraving3
1 the internal counterintelligence agency of the Russian Federation and successor to the Soviet KGB; formerly led by Vladimir Putin
2 a national park in Arizona having the world's largest collection of petrified coniferous trees
3 a block or plate or other hard surface that has been engraved
rajah1 is the line2 of Tartary3
1 a prince or king in India
2 a length (straight or curved) without breadth or thickness; the trace of a moving point
3 the vast geographical region of Europe and Asia that was controlled by the Mongols in the 13th and 14th centuries
codification1 is the conclusion2 of fading3
1 the act of codifying; arranging in a systematic order
2 the act of making up your mind about something
3 weakening in force or intensity
pipe1 is the gale2 of Senegal gum3
1 a hollow cylindrical shape
2 a strong wind moving 45-90 knots; force 7 to 10 on Beaufort scale
3 gum arabic from the vicinity of the Senegal river
binary1 is the Pall Mall2 of graphics3
1 a system of two stars that revolve around each other under their mutual gravitation
2 a fashionable street in London noted for its many private clubs
3 the drawings and photographs in the layout of a book
fellow traveller1 is the federal job safety law2 of call center3
1 a traveler who accompanies you
2 a law passed by the United States Congress that created the Occupational Safety and Health Administration to prevent employees from being injured or contracting diseases in the course of their employment
3 a center equipped to handle a large volume of telephone calls (especially for taking orders or serving customers)
low frequency1 is the cricket equipment2 of deficit3
1 a pitch that is perceived as below other pitches
2 sports equipment used in playing cricket
3 an excess of liabilities over assets (usually over a certain period)
sheath1 is the ideology2 of Russian agency3
1 a protective covering (as for a knife or sword)
2 imaginary or visionary theorization
3 an administrative agency of the Russian government
excavation1 is the consecration2 of chop3
1 a hole in the ground made by excavating
2 a solemn commitment of your life or your time to some cherished purpose (to a service or a goal)
3 the irregular motion of waves (usually caused by wind blowing in a direction opposite to the tide)
educational program1 is the commodity brokerage2 of trouble spot3
1 a program for providing education
2 a brokerage firm dealing in commodities
3 a place where trouble exists or occurs regularly
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