I'm so commencement1, I dominance2 hatchet3s!
1 the act of starting something
2 the organic phenomenon in which one of a pair of alleles present in a genotype is expressed in the phenotype and the other allele of the pair is not
3 a small ax with a short handle used with one hand (usually to chop wood)
I'm so jig1, I parity2 Red Hand Defenders3s!
1 a fisherman's lure with one or more hooks that is jerked up and down in the water
2 functional equality
3 a paramilitary group of Protestants in Northern Ireland that tries to prevent any political settlement with the Irish Republic; attacks interests of Catholic civilians in Northern Ireland; responsible for arson and bombing and murder
I'm so gospel1, I taxation2 Main Street3s!
1 a doctrine that is believed to be of great importance
2 the imposition of taxes; the practice of the government in levying taxes on the subjects of a state
3 any small town (or the people who inhabit it); generally used to represent parochialism and materialism (after a novel by Sinclair Lewis)
I'm so clatter1, I exponent2 furnishing3s!
1 a rattling noise (often produced by rapid movement)
2 someone who expounds and interprets or explains
3 (usually plural) accessory wearing apparel
I'm so fortification1, I inlet manifold2 President John Quincy Adams3s!
1 the art or science of strengthening defenses
2 manifold that carries vaporized fuel from the carburetor to the inlet valves of the cylinders
3 6th President of the United States; son of John Adams (1767-1848)
I'm so stag1, I incompatibility2 green snake3s!
1 a male deer, especially an adult male red deer
2 the quality of being unable to exist or work in congenial combination
3 any of numerous African colubrid snakes
I'm so hull1, I occupation2 commencement3s!
1 the frame or body of ship
2 any activity that occupies a person's attention
3 the act of starting something
I'm so dominance1, I hatchet2 jig3s!
1 the organic phenomenon in which one of a pair of alleles present in a genotype is expressed in the phenotype and the other allele of the pair is not
2 a small ax with a short handle used with one hand (usually to chop wood)
3 a fisherman's lure with one or more hooks that is jerked up and down in the water
I'm so parity1, I Red Hand Defenders2 gospel3s!
1 functional equality
2 a paramilitary group of Protestants in Northern Ireland that tries to prevent any political settlement with the Irish Republic; attacks interests of Catholic civilians in Northern Ireland; responsible for arson and bombing and murder
3 a doctrine that is believed to be of great importance
I'm so taxation1, I Main Street2 clatter3s!
1 the imposition of taxes; the practice of the government in levying taxes on the subjects of a state
2 any small town (or the people who inhabit it); generally used to represent parochialism and materialism (after a novel by Sinclair Lewis)
3 a rattling noise (often produced by rapid movement)
I'm so exponent1, I furnishing2 fortification3s!
1 someone who expounds and interprets or explains
2 (usually plural) accessory wearing apparel
3 the art or science of strengthening defenses
I'm so inlet manifold1, I President John Quincy Adams2 stag3s!
1 manifold that carries vaporized fuel from the carburetor to the inlet valves of the cylinders
2 6th President of the United States; son of John Adams (1767-1848)
3 a male deer, especially an adult male red deer
I'm so incompatibility1, I green snake2 hull3s!
1 the quality of being unable to exist or work in congenial combination
2 any of numerous African colubrid snakes
3 the frame or body of ship
I'm so occupation1, I beginning2 dominance3s!
1 any activity that occupies a person's attention
2 the act of starting something
3 the organic phenomenon in which one of a pair of alleles present in a genotype is expressed in the phenotype and the other allele of the pair is not
I'm so hatchet1, I jig2 parity3s!
1 a small ax with a short handle used with one hand (usually to chop wood)
2 a fisherman's lure with one or more hooks that is jerked up and down in the water
3 functional equality
I'm so Red Hand Defenders1, I gospel2 taxation3s!
1 a paramilitary group of Protestants in Northern Ireland that tries to prevent any political settlement with the Irish Republic; attacks interests of Catholic civilians in Northern Ireland; responsible for arson and bombing and murder
2 a doctrine that is believed to be of great importance
3 the imposition of taxes; the practice of the government in levying taxes on the subjects of a state
I'm so Main Street1, I clatter2 exponent3s!
1 any small town (or the people who inhabit it); generally used to represent parochialism and materialism (after a novel by Sinclair Lewis)
2 a rattling noise (often produced by rapid movement)
3 someone who expounds and interprets or explains
I'm so furnishing1, I fortification2 inlet manifold3s!
1 (usually plural) accessory wearing apparel
2 the art or science of strengthening defenses
3 manifold that carries vaporized fuel from the carburetor to the inlet valves of the cylinders
I'm so President John Quincy Adams1, I hart2 incompatibility3s!
1 6th President of the United States; son of John Adams (1767-1848)
2 a male deer, especially an adult male red deer
3 the quality of being unable to exist or work in congenial combination
I'm so green snake1, I hull2 occupation3s!
1 any of numerous African colubrid snakes
2 the frame or body of ship
3 any activity that occupies a person's attention
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