evergreen1 optimal2
1 (of plants and shrubs) bearing foliage throughout the year
2 most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied
selfish1 pure2
1 concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others
2 concerned with theory and data rather than practice; opposed to applied
significant1 former2
1 rich in significance or implication
2 referring to the first of two things or persons mentioned (or the earlier one or ones of several)
handed1 native2
1 having or involving the use of hands
2 as found in nature in the elemental form
final1 moral2
1 not to be altered or undone
2 psychological rather than physical or tangible in effect
down1 tense2
1 understood perfectly
2 in or of a state of physical or nervous tension
authorized1 continual2
1 sanctioned by established authority
2 having no interruptions
unlucky1 contentious2
1 having or bringing misfortune
2 involving or likely to cause controversy
stupid1 smooth2
1 lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity
2 lacking obstructions or difficulties
material1 forte2
1 derived from or composed of matter
2 (used chiefly as a direction or description in music) loud; with force
evergreen1 optimal2
1 (of plants and shrubs) bearing foliage throughout the year
2 most desirable possible under a restriction expressed or implied
selfish1 pure2
1 concerned chiefly or only with yourself and your advantage to the exclusion of others
2 concerned with theory and data rather than practice; opposed to applied
meaning1 former2
1 rich in significance or implication
2 referring to the first of two things or persons mentioned (or the earlier one or ones of several)
handed1 native2
1 having or involving the use of hands
2 as found in nature in the elemental form
final1 moral2
1 not to be altered or undone
2 psychological rather than physical or tangible in effect
mastered1 tense2
1 understood perfectly
2 in or of a state of physical or nervous tension
authorized1 continual2
1 sanctioned by established authority
2 having no interruptions
luckless1 contentious2
1 having or bringing misfortune
2 involving or likely to cause controversy
stupid1 smooth2
1 lacking or marked by lack of intellectual acuity
2 lacking obstructions or difficulties
material1 forte2
1 derived from or composed of matter
2 (used chiefly as a direction or description in music) loud; with force
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