On the menu: (ADJECTIVE) (FOOD)

baked potato1 corn sugar2
1 potato that has been cooked by baking it in an oven
2 dextrose used as sweetening agent
hot pepper1 sugar candy2
1 any of various pungent capsicum fruits
2 made by boiling pure sugar until it hardens
intermixture1 short ribs2
1 any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients
2 cut of beef containing rib ends near the sternum
cheese1 shell bean2
1 a solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk
2 unripe beans removed from the pod before cooking
bone marrow1 pickle relish2
1 very tender and very nutritious tissue from marrowbones
2 relish of chopped (usually sweet) pickles
red herring1 crumb cake2
1 a dried and smoked herring having a reddish color
2 cake or coffeecake topped with a mixture of sugar and butter and flour
French dressing1 manhattan2
1 oil and vinegar with mustard and garlic
2 a cocktail made with whiskey and sweet vermouth with a dash of bitters
eel1 Virginia ham2
1 the fatty flesh of eel; an elongate fish found in fresh water in Europe and America; large eels are usually smoked or pickled
2 a lean hickory-smoked ham; has dark red meat
beef broth1 sweet potato2
1 a stock made with beef
2 the edible tuberous root of the sweet potato vine which is grown widely in warm regions of the United States
chuck short ribs1 Valencia orange2
1 between the chuck and the brisket
2 variety of sweet orange cultivated extensively in Florida and California
baked potato1 corn sugar2
1 potato that has been cooked by baking it in an oven
2 dextrose used as sweetening agent
hot pepper1 sugar candy2
1 any of various pungent capsicum fruits
2 made by boiling pure sugar until it hardens
mixture1 short ribs2
1 any foodstuff made by combining different ingredients
2 cut of beef containing rib ends near the sternum
cheese1 shell bean2
1 a solid food prepared from the pressed curd of milk
2 unripe beans removed from the pod before cooking
bone marrow1 pickle relish2
1 very tender and very nutritious tissue from marrowbones
2 relish of chopped (usually sweet) pickles
smoked herring1 crumb cake2
1 a dried and smoked herring having a reddish color
2 cake or coffeecake topped with a mixture of sugar and butter and flour
French dressing1 manhattan2
1 oil and vinegar with mustard and garlic
2 a cocktail made with whiskey and sweet vermouth with a dash of bitters
eel1 Virginia ham2
1 the fatty flesh of eel; an elongate fish found in fresh water in Europe and America; large eels are usually smoked or pickled
2 a lean hickory-smoked ham; has dark red meat
beef stock1 sweet potato2
1 a stock made with beef
2 the edible tuberous root of the sweet potato vine which is grown widely in warm regions of the United States
chuck short ribs1 Valencia orange2
1 between the chuck and the brisket
2 variety of sweet orange cultivated extensively in Florida and California
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